Hi Mick,
Lol yes the wife would have a fit or insist on spending the same on lotions and haircuts.
don't want too much of that going on, the UK balance of trade may never recover!
Even a simple potentiometer with a 9V battery would be enuf to cause the servo to move.
Twiddle the pot backwards and forwards and the axis should follow. With just one 9V battery I would expect the axis to be restricted to one half
its travel, the right half say, and if you reversed the battery then it would work in its left half. You will have to coax it, if you attempt to cause the
axis to move from point A near one end of it travel to point B at the other end instantaneously as in changing the battery polarity it will fail as a
following error. None the less you should be able to get the axes to move. It will probably require an enable signal.
Given that you are of the opinion that the servos are OK then maybe fooling around with bits of wire and batteries doesn't appeal.