That could be part of the problem, I have the G Code you posted running it seems to be fine so far, it does have a M8 in the wrong places what is ok for the tormach machines.
If you post from the use installed post libury with the new Mach3 post it should be putting out an error and saying there is a invalled coolant mode, one of your tools will have one of the coolant settings set wrong you set them all to nothing or what coolant method you are useing for all, I think this is where the problem is.
So check all your tools and make sure the coolant is set to off or what type of coolant method you are useing, I have seen this problem quite a few times and it has just been the coolant setting in the tool library.
Just check that and run a code on your machine as a air cut and see if it stops with a M1 or just stops on the coolant call M7 or M8.
I would look at the tools in your file you posted but I can not look at tools or even make changes to a toolpath at the moment to they find out why that part of fusion is not working for me at all, I can check a setup and post a g code and that's it.