I have restarted mach3 after about 6 years. It was installed on a Shopbot with a HICON control board coonected via ethernet to an old XP. I am trying to remember how everything worked. The axis home correctly but I am having a very strange problem with the DRI input box. I want to move each axis to verify the calibration. I can move X and Z from the config screen but the Y axis is actually two motors ( Y and A slaved ). So moving the Y using config does not move the slave and all hell breaks loose. So I decided to test the axis using G code from the DRI input box. Just type in G00 Y10.0 and it should move. HOWEVER - I can type in G00 but when I add the space and Y (or X for that matter) the input box goes blank and nothing happens. Does anybody have any idea what is going on ?