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Author Topic: Mach4 3713 + Lua Socket + IPG Laser = Problems  (Read 2812 times)

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Mach4 3713 + Lua Socket + IPG Laser = Problems
« on: March 23, 2018, 08:44:00 AM »
I use Mach4 3713, the computer is connected to an Ethernet network, IPG Laser also connected to it. The laser accepts text commands in one line.
For example: "ABN" - turn on Beam Guide (return response "ABN"), "ABF" - turn off Beam Guide (return response "ABF"). If the command is accepted by the laser, but is not implemented, it returns "BCMD"
I made a module IPGEthernet.lua , put it in a folder "Modules".
Code: [Select]
local IPGEthernet = {}
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()

package.path = package.path .. ";./Modules/?.lua;"
package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";./Modules/?.dll;"
--package.cpath = "C:/src/Mach4/Modules/?.dll;"
rs232 = require("luars232")
socket = require("socket")

-- IPG -- Ethernet -- TCP/IP
function IPGEthernet.Ethernet(IP, message, len)
local port = 10001
local tcp = assert(socket.tcp())
local data
tcp:connect(IP, port)
tcp:send(message .. "\n")
data = tcp:receive(len)
data = tostring(data)
if data == message then
wx.wxMessageBox("Command "..message.." executed!")
wx.wxMessageBox("Command "..message.." unfulfilled!")
--return data
return IPGEthernet
I made a button on the screen:
Code: [Select]
local A, B, C
A = scr.GetProperty('txtIp', 'Value')
A = tostring(A)

B = "ABN"

C = string.len(B)

IPGEthernet.Ethernet(A, B, C)
The script works.
Problem: If I specify the wrong length in "data = tcp:receive(len)", then the script hangs.
Command "STA" (Read Device Status) returns "STA: 4100" (32-bit word), can return "STA: 4294967295", can return "STA: 1".
Question: how to write the script correctly to calculate any length (without knowing it)?
Thanks for the help. Sorry for my English.
Re: Mach4 3713 + Lua Socket + IPG Laser = Problems
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2018, 01:23:57 AM »
This script helped me.
socket = require("socket")
client = socket.connect("",10001)
--client:send("GET /monitor.cgx HTTP/1.1\n")
client:send("SDC 105.0\n")
  --print "read"
  line,err,rest = client:receive()
  --print "read done"
  --if line then print(line) end
  if rest then print(rest) end
until err

print "all done"
Re: Mach4 3713 + Lua Socket + IPG Laser = Problems
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2018, 01:32:51 AM »
I get this line:
It can be of different lengths, but the number of parameters does not change. How do I remove brackets (for unknown string length), divide the string by the symbol "," and move it to the table?
t[ver] = "1"
tRIMON] = "0.2"
t[RMT] = "CW"
Re: Mach4 3713 + Lua Socket + IPG Laser = Problems
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2018, 01:30:55 AM »
This script helped me.
local JSON = require ("json")
local a = '{строка Json}'
local b = JSON:decode(a)