I have the wireless HB04 pendant working with Mach3 but I did expect what I consider (from limited experiance) a more 'conventional' MPG style behaviour.
So this is what I can achieve..
In 'Cont' mode, movement of the MPG just triggers a rapid movement (as a % of the max rate defined in motor setup) but the wheel is just a fancy way of turning the motion ON/OFF.
Slow movement of the wheel can result in a jerky rapid movement.
The speed can be pre-adjusted by changing the percentage in the MPG window.
With MPGs that have been connected via the Parallel port pins, each input pulse has triggered a small amount of movement, thus the speed of the MPG wheel can be used to vary speed of the movment.
In Step mode, I can create incremental steps of say 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01. These seem to just be multiples of a single step. Again, movement of the MPG wheel triggers is action and will simply retrigger if the wheel is kept moving.
To my mind
One pulse from the MPG should trigger one step (or multiple there of), if I click the wheel around 5, 10, 50 clicks... the system should move a corresponding number of steps.
so much of this controller seems to work as advertised but the movement behaviour is not as I would expect from other pendants I have used.
This is only a home setup so I can live with it but has anyone else had experience and found any work arounds ? thanks Jaydee.