I use a modified screen for the lathe.
It has the same + and - increase / decrease increment arrow buttons which reflect the initial incement
FRO value as the generic screen. Note that you input the increment value in the dro, say 5 ipm, then
when you press the + arrow button it will show 10 ipm and so on in increments of 5.
I added a slider from the mill screen STD code 21 and also a 100% FRO button.
So if I click the 100% the FRO value will change to MAX Velocity set in in motor tuning for the axes.
I can also use the slider and even though it may allow 250% you can only increase feedrate to 100%
or your max velocity. The feed rate value will change in the DRO showing the set / current federate.
Now note that in my configuration "Lock rapid fro to feed fro" is checked.
G48 and G49 act as toggle for turning FRO on and off and is modal.
So the feedrate can be changed during a G0 or G01 when in G94 mode.
Don't have time to see what happen when in G95 mode, and would not use in that mode anyway,
since G95 is for turn only and it has to do with threading where feedrate is based on real time rpm along
with a feedrate relative to the thread being cut.
If I get a chance I'll check out the G95 mode but will guess fro won't work in that mode.
Till Whenever,