Ok Mike,
Moving the spindle 200mm and back is not going to help you determin backlash at all, only repeatability. It will not help you determin if yor steps per are set right either. As far as it returning to CV mode, I bet you have a G64 in your code. It should be G61 for exact stop. You can change it as much as you want to in settings or general cofig, the Gcode will override those settings.
Checking your backlash should be no problem if you have an indicator. Put the indicator on something solid. Jog your axis until you move the indicator to a reading of about half of its travel. Write down the reading on the indicator. Jog the axis in the other direction by a set amount, say .010" and see how much difference the indicator shows. If the indicator says you moved .005 and Mach says it has moved .010 then you have .005" backlash. Check your steps per. You can check this with your indicator also. Set up as before., only this time run the axis in until it just starts to move the needle on the indicator. Write down your reading. Going in the same direction give the axis a move with Mach. If Mach thinks it moved it .010" and your indicator says it moved .010", your steps per are right.