what breakout board are you using?
My advice would be to set up one circuit at a time and test that its working before moving on to the next. So many people set every thing
up 'according to the book', parts of it wrongly and end up with so many conflicting faults they end up hopelessly confused.
The first circuit you need to set up is the Estop. The ESS follows the same pin numbering regime as a parallel port. Thus pins 2-9
are going to be outputs, probably used for your motors. Pins 10,11,12,13 and 15 are input pins.
May I suggest that you use pin 10 as your Estop input. Unless you have some weird BoB pin 10 of the ESS will correspond to pin 10 of your BoB.
In the first instance don't bother hooking anything to the pin. Just set up pin10 port 1 in Mach as your Estop and likewise pin 10 port 1
in your ESS.
The pin when unconnected (or driven) will naturally be high, if fitted with a pull-up resistor, or low if fitted with a pull-down resistor.
You can now work out which it is. With Mach's Estop pin configured as active low, then if the pin is pulled low it will prove impossible
to reset Mach because of the enduring low condition on pin 10 of your BoB. To reset Mach you have to pull the pin high by connecting
a voltage source to it, usually via your Estop switch. With the switch contacts closed a logic high is feed to the Estop pin and Mach can be reset.
If the contacts open (or a broken wire or other fault condition) the pin will go low which Mach will detect as a fault and Estop.
Try it and see what happens. If that works out then we will hook up one of the motors.