so wait.... no one on any of the linked sites, sells a motor that is big enough?
My lathe has a 3/4 HP motor on it now but it aint worth a darn at slow spindle speeds because the tiny little belt will slip or its got a built in clutch type mechanism in one of the pullys so as soon as you try and make any kind of a reasonable cut other than super skim it slips. not really the motors problem though, never had a problem with it slowing down. I want to get rid of this whole mess when I convert it to cnc. Not sure what 3/4 HP works out to be at the spindle but anything gotta be better than what I currently have.
Not really much for waiting around for Ebay to turn up a motor of questionable quality though. Would rather go to a supplier i can get some sort of recourse from if it doesnt work.