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Author Topic: Ref. Tool in Tool table  (Read 2066 times)

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Offline ftec

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Ref. Tool in Tool table
« on: October 23, 2018, 12:13:16 PM »

Is the topmost Ref.Tool row in use and accessible in Mach3? If yes how (VB ?) or otherwise? If it is in use, are the other tool rows intended to hold just the difference to ref tool (G43) or what is the intended philosophy here? I'm currently holding the actual tool measures in the table and not using G43 at all.     



Offline ftec

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Re: Ref. Tool in Tool table
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2018, 12:34:44 PM »
PS. I use Aqua with modifications.

Offline RICH

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Re: Ref. Tool in Tool table
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2018, 07:40:08 AM »
The reference tool both in mill and lathe have no offsets and I believe is internal to Mach. Don't recall reading or any post specificaly about  the philosophy.

Something to always remember is that all tools relate to the master tool and all tools relate to each other!

The reference tool has no diameter and no length so it just represents a point, a controlled point.All other tools
have geometry relative to the controlled point. The offsets vary for each tool and lathe and mill tools are different.
The tool geometry differences are represented  the tool table.

G43 is just a command to inform the controller that a tool with a different geometry, as compared to the reference tool,
will be used, and has a different length. Suggest you read up on G40 thru G49.

There is no "real" tool that has a zero radius ( no matter what you do you will never make or buy a pointed tool with no radius at the tip) as it may be small but it is not zero.


Offline ftec

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Re: Ref. Tool in Tool table
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2018, 03:36:22 PM »
Ok, so it's a reference 'null' tool having everything as 0 and it's values can not be accessed. That's what I wanted to know. That is quite OK for me with my mill DIY tool setting system but machine centers do have actual reference tools with measures other than 0 if I'm not mistaken. I just wonder how those who use G43 then handle things with Mach3.

Re: Ref. Tool in Tool table
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2018, 01:30:39 PM »
The tool length thing is just about the most misunderstood part of CNC! The tool length for any tool is simply the difference between any surface and the end of the tool. So if you are say using the Tormach tooling system and their offline tool setter you might want to use the end of your spindle as a physical reference point. Touch the spindle to whatever you are using as a touch off surface and zero the Z axis. Put any tool in the spindle and touch it off on the same surface and the Z value is now the length of that tool referenced to the spindle nose. Set a tool holder in the offline setter and measure to the end. That value is what you put in Mach for the offset of that tool.

One a tool is in the spindle and it has an offset in the tool table and the tool number has been called that tool can now be used to locate the top of a part. All other tools with offsets called will go to the right place.