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Author Topic: machinebed versus Mach3  (Read 9840 times)

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machinebed versus Mach3
« on: January 10, 2019, 08:18:27 AM »
I did read a lot on the forum, in Manuals and did a lot of trial and mostly error. but did not find some about this settings ...

Mi machine bed is 940mm x 998mm  so i did set so in motorHome/softLimits (see atachement) but have a little doubt if i did good.

Please let me know if i did this the rightway and if not, how to

Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 09:00:50 AM »
yes you have set that correctly.

Note that Soft Limits are effective ONLY if the machine is referenced (homed). I don't mean just the DROs zeroed out,
but the machine coordinates must be referenced to a particular location EVERY session of Mach. That almost
invariably means home switches. Do you have home switches setup?

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2019, 10:14:28 AM »
Yes, i did mounted 3 mechanical microswitches, for ever Axis 1.
The function but not jet configured the right way i think.  The ++ and -- and the home possibilities in the ports and pins / input signals, made me read the manual over and over, (as far as my English could bring me in understanding)  but still i do not understand the difference

« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 10:17:17 AM by Thombus »

Offline TPS

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Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2019, 01:11:15 PM »
anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.
Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2019, 01:31:29 PM »
have a look here:

as i said in the beginning, That is what i did read the last period. also, English is not my daily language to understand this fully..

Offline TPS

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Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2019, 01:32:29 PM »
so what is the Problem?

would German be easier for you?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 01:44:04 PM by TPS »
anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.
Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2019, 09:10:26 AM »
I recently asked for a function in MachX to set the type of motion for any axis, moving-tool or moving-work but got nothing. A "normal" configuration is assumed, but gives no allowance for different machines.
So.  Does X axis move the tool or move the work? Moving tool means left is Zero, --, and Home. Right is + and ++.  Moving work means right is Zero, --, and Home.  Left is + and ++.
Does Y axis move the tool or move the work? Moving tool means to the front is Zero, --, and Home.  Moving work means Front is Home, +, and ++.  To the back is - and --.
Z axis is usually moving tool, so Up means Home, + and ++, and Down means - and --.

In general, ++ means + end Limit switch, -- means - end Limit switch.
- and + are for coordinate system and DRO increment, which makes the tool-path display orientation correct.  X increment to the right, Y increment to the rear, and Z increment upward.

If I have stated this incorrectly, please correct it.

Offline TPS

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Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2019, 09:17:40 AM »
does not matter wether the tool or the material is moving

X-    ---   X+

you have allways to Looks where your tool goes on the surface of material (bird view).

« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 09:20:33 AM by TPS »
anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.

Offline TPS

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Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2019, 09:21:53 AM »
So.  Does X axis move the tool or move the work? Moving tool means left is Zero, --, and Home. Right is + and ++.  Moving work means right is Zero, --, and Home.  Left is + and ++.
Does Y axis move the tool or move the work? Moving tool means to the front is Zero, --, and Home.  Moving work means Front is Home, +, and ++.  To the back is - and --.
Z axis is usually moving tool, so Up means Home, + and ++, and Down means - and --.

In general, ++ means + end Limit switch, -- means - end Limit switch.
- and + are for coordinate system and DRO increment, which makes the tool-path display orientation correct.  X increment to the right, Y increment to the rear, and Z increment upward.

all correct
anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.
Re: machinebed versus Mach3
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2019, 09:29:57 AM »
so what is the Problem?

would German be easier for you?

It is not the language it self, merely the way of writing, understanding and remember this all.
as i told before (somewhere) I am a absolute beginner,  Have some problem with words and abbreviations 
There is so much information, difficult to remember it all.    So I have to do it Bit by Bit and a lot of questions..