Back when I used Mach3, I used to check the travels in my programs for obvious travel issues with the min/max values mach showed. It was helpful as most of my programs run once only so there's always a bit of anxiety when pushing the go button.
When I moved to Mach4 a few years back I tried using the feature there, but never could get my brain around something in the x, y, z displays. Yesterday I decided to give it another try. Think I've sorted out the values are all in machine coordinates and for X and Y, the math computes to reflect my programs. Z however is way out of range. This morning I took another look and seen that if the Z values were correct in the min/max dro's my mill head would travel below the table by a rather large amount. An example, the last program I checked in the min/max readouts should have showed me a combined z travel of right at 3.9". Instead it reflected a total z travel of over 10". I reloaded a few programs I've already made parts with and I see the same thing. The programs didn't do what the z min/max values say.
If it just reads the program and reflects the values from that, there is a problem I'm not understanding. Is it possible it takes tool changes into account? That's not helpful to me in evaluating a program if that's the case. I can't get the math to work out though if that's the case, and I don't know why the Z tool change position in my M06 macro would be included in those travel values. Anyone use that feature and have an understanding of it?