Stepcraft claims their machine at run at max. speed of 50mm/sec=3,000mm/min.
To achieve that Max. Speed, the Windows 7 32bits PC running MACH3 will need at least a CORE-2-Duo 3GHz CPU and running MACH3 kernel speed at 45,000Hz.
I upgraded my old PC from core-2-duo 2.4Ghz (max speed was 1800mm/sec) to Core-2-Duo 3.0Ghz for AUD$9 from ebay and max speed went up to 3,000mm/min and I could surf the INTERNET while machining with no issue.
I also have a new PC with I5 7600 9 3.6GHZ (4cores) and I could reach 4,000/mm with no problems even though my motors are still at 24volts.
BUY a 2nd hand Windows 7 32bits PC. They should be cheap and readily available for below 150 EUROs