I just got one of the those CNCEST 6040 cheap Chinese engravers off ebay. I added a wireless pendant is all so far. I'm actually fairly impressed with it. 1.5kw water cooled spindle etc. I've used Mach3 with a lot of other machines that I've retro-fitted. But this problem has me stumped.
I calibrated the machine's "steps per unit" setting (factory 320=x, 320=y 400=z) using the tool in the setting tab. Came out close to factory.
When I test movement accuracy on all axis it's very good. So it seems the steps are correct.
So I set the home, work offsets and tool offsets correctly. Then when I move off 0,0,0 to say 100,200,300, and hit GOTO ZERO (not machine coordinates) with tool 5 a 1.7mm endmill, (or any tool), the machine moved to the Z and Y zero position correctly. But the X is off by -0.7mm... which sounds like 1/2 of a the tool diameter. However, if I repeat the process of "move off zero" and "goto zero", the X position is even further off between -0.4 and -0.8mm each time and it grows.
Yet, Z and Y are correct! So why isn't X? And why does it get progressively worse. Yet when I calibrate it again, the resulting steps per unit do not change and moves are perfect.
What is that can cause just the X to be off when moving to zero only? Could it be related to cutter compensation?
I verified all the factory settings in the controller are correct.
I had no such issues with the Bridgeport Discovery retrofit I did two years ago.
Thanks in advance!