OK you have decided on a central X axis home switch then you need to consider how to do it.
Have you read and digested the method I outlined in the link I posted? In particular you need to thouougly
understand both why and the implications of that method:
Should it transpire that your machine axes can or have been moved between sessions this method would fail.
The other alternative which I think you must consider is a non-volatile multiturn absolute encoder. I recommend
you look closely at the Delta A3 series servos. They have a 24 bit absolute encoder that apportions its bits into 'so many
revolutions + so many encoder counts within that revolution'. It has a battery backup so when you turn your machine on
you don't have to home it because the machine can 'remember where it is from the last session'. They are the latest and
greatest and aren't cheap.....but you get what you pay for.