In an attempt to dump mechanical limit switches, I installed 3 Hall effect sensors as shown below. When I magnet is passed over the individual sensors its relay indicator lights up and the normally closed relay breaks the circuit to kill the appropriate axis. This works, but...
Each limit switch works so that it stops the travel of that particular axis and requires a reset to continue with its travel.
If you fail to move that axis after resetting it, the other two axes will run passed their stops even though their individual relays are triggered.
This might make it easier to invision what happens:
Scenario 1:
Y hits a limit and stops. I reset it and move it again to make sure it was reset. Then I test X. It hits a stop, I reset it, test to make sure it travels. Ditto for Z.
Secnario 2:
Y hits a limit and stops. I reset it but I DON'T jog it to test for a reset. Then I test X. It passes its magnet, lights up its relay, but continues to travel without setting off an alarm, eventually crashes.
I've tried for a couple of days to figure it out but I'm stumped. Any ideas? I appreciate any help. Diagram attached.