Thanks for all the responses so far, you have been very helpful and encouraging. The first thing that I found is that Lazy Cam has changed significantly since I last played with it. It will now open the files that Illustrator puts out without arguing. That is a huge relief! One of you asked if I know the difference between a raster and a vector, yes I do, as I do a good amount of graphic design, I’m pretty much up to speed on that. As far as using CAD, I’m not all that good, Sure drawing a square box and the like is fine but guitars have all kinds of curves and angles, when I have tried these I really mess them up. On the other hand I can draw virtually anything on paper. Thus my desire to scan drawings and trace them.
Stirling, thanks to the link to the probe, I never dreamed that they were that simple, but it stands to reason. So once a guy has a probe what software does he use to probe the object and generate the G code? I’m sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but I’m really not clear on this.
One last question for clarification:
It seems that the version of Lazy Cam that I downloaded will only simulate pockets and it refers to “Lazy Cam Pro,” is that a real program? Is that what I get when I buy the full version of Mach 3, or is that “vapor ware” that will release at some future date. I need to be able to cut pockets or this whole thing is pretty much useless as I need to cut for inlays. Also, incidentally, when I try to use the “pocket” feature, the program hangs and then crashes. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
Thanks again, you all are causing me to feel like there is hope after all.