This is a win 7 32 bit system I have been using for a few years, One day my machine just quit running code. The code scrolls, the dro's move but the carriage does not. I have tried almost everything. I thought it was my controller board so I scrapped it(not really I still have it) and went to a 4 individual drivers and those are HY DIV268N drivers and I believe that my new controller card is a JK02 mk5 5 axis control board. I am using a single 24 volt 10 amp power supply. My mach 3 is a licensed copy, and I am using rev3.043.066. I am almost at my wits end and I come here humbly looking for some assistance. My machine is set up in mm, no exotic screensets, When I changed the drivers I also created a new machine in the Mach startup and started from scratch but alas I still have the same issue. I can jog like a madman but as soon as I select start cycle, the motors make noises but nothing moves except the dro's. Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can give. I need this machine up and running again for the xmas rush.