Thanks for all your help.
I had pretty much narrowed it down to PDMX or HiCON but then, decided to buy a CSMIO-IP/S.
The reasons were mainly faster delivery (to the UK) and cost. Also, since the machine was already running CSMIO-IP/M, the re-wiring would be minimal. In practice it only took 30 mins to get it up & running.
So far, it looks good. My problem with jerky servos has vanished. I think the IP/M couldn't deliver pulses fast enough.
The only negative seems to be that it doesn't (obviously) control the spindle as a servo - just as a simple VFD. It clearly has some speed regultion / calibration inside, as the spindle speed is spot on but it's not regulating it on the fly so the speed changes with load.
Rigid tapping works OK with small taps - but because there's no speed regulation, it's easy to stall the spindle on larger ones. I'll have to see if I can tweak the servo parameters to fix it.
My next machine will be HiCON though for certain!