Having keyboard functions on when Mach has booted up seems like it should be a basic function but it appears its not. A script has to be written by a programmer to make it work.
Its there already, all you have to do it TURN IT ON!!!! Have you bothered to read the post in the Mach3 board, there I have explained it in great detail. You don't have to write anything, just
comment out one line.
Moving the Z axis to a safe position while going to work zero to me would be a basic function but its not. A script has to be inserted in order for it to do this.
There is already a <GoToWorkZero> button that operates on the X and Y axes....if you really want your machine to dive in on the Z axis to machine zero or any other number go for your
life......one line is all it takes. Don't be surprised when it crashes....remember you asked for it to operate this way.
You seem to imagine that NFS are clueless, and that they have half done things or not done other things because they don't know what they are doing. As it turns out their
collective machining experience well and truly exceeds yours and mine combined, and what they have done in fact is do are things that are logical, repeatable and as safe as they
can make it AND provide the tools for users to adjust it to their liking. If you cannot or will not take the effort to adjust to your liking then stick with Mach3.