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Author Topic: UC100 stopping  (Read 17403 times)

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UC100 stopping
« on: November 29, 2021, 10:29:46 AM »
I have used Mach3 succesfully for several years now, However recently I've started getting problems with the UC 100.
After starting the cutting the UC100 suddenly stops and a notice comes up " UC100 not responding.  Check connections and restart Mach 3 "
I do as it requests ( no alternative) but of course upon a restart the cutter is totally in the wrong place. The macine has to go to zero.   Although this can be done it takes a lot of time to do so as to continue the program where it stopped and it's not always spot on etc.

Can anyone help??????    It has been suggested that it may be suffering from noise !!! (electronic noise)  Could this be correct and how do I cure it?

Thanks to all

Re: UC100 stopping
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2021, 06:58:02 PM »
USB is prone to electrical noise and when it does suffer it will stop as you have described.

There are any number of ideas to prevent noise and stop whatever noise is about from affecting various circuits.

Usually the most electrically noisy device in any setup is the spindle. I would suggest a big kick arse two, or even better three stage EMI filter.
I would suggest another one for the AC input to your PC.


What you're trying to do is to stop the spindle/VFD combination from impressing harmonic distortion/noise onto the AC supply which can then get into
your PC/UC100 combination. Many people overlook this 'conducted noise path' and they focus instead on shielding and screening. Two or three good EMI filters,
or even a line reactor can often render all the screening and shielding un-needed.

You could also try two split ferrite rings, one at one third and the other at two thirds the length of your USB cable.


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