We just got a new machine not too long ago and have been refining every inch of the machine to be the best it can be. The machine uses a xhc mk4-et Ethernet motion controller.
The machine was set up in millimeters and we switched everything over to inches now. Everything works perfectly the xyz all move correctly and accurately (down to 5-10 thousandths of a inch), yet when we auto tool zero with a script our old machine used the bit digs into the plate before stopping which would damage the bit, we've tried slowing the federate but the federate doesn't seem to adjust correctly. At 1 in per min the machine actually travels faster than 5 in per minute, and at 10 the machine is even faster. Any values that are under 5 either are the same speed or faster, we are quite stumped on this and have spent the entire day trying different scripts and solutions.
Bellow is the script mentioned used