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Author Topic: Z home tripped  (Read 7602 times)

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Z home tripped
« on: January 30, 2023, 05:03:54 PM »
New machine build (lms3990) CNC converted.
If I fire up the ESS/C25 and load Mach4 all starts fine with the exception of I get a (Z home switch tripped) notification.
If i hit enable, than disable, I do not get the notification?
Have checked the wiring and all is fine, all 3 home switches setup the same as NC, lights on the ess pins 11-12-13 are lit, if I trip any of the home switches the corresponding ESS light will go out.
If it trip any of the home switches they will show as activated,
I can hit ref all and trip each switch all works as it should ?
Is there something I missed? Or is this a bug?
Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2023, 05:28:34 PM »
it's highly probably electrical noise. Right at the moment that things like stepper drives are latching up and so on there are switching transients that
can 'jump the ditch' and end up on a limit or home switch circuit.

On the ESS Plugin configuration Pins_Config tab apply some noise filtering. On my machine, not the screen shot of an unconfigured ESS on my
regular PC, all my Home and Limit switch circuits have a noise filtering of 500 applied.  The number is very approximately the same as the time
constant of the filter applied in micro seconds. A value of 500 means a 3dB frequency of about 2kHz, it has proven to be more than adequate
on my mill.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2023, 05:47:33 PM »
Tkk again Craig, will fire it up after din's and add some filtering to the Z.
Been a battle but almost there, spent 1 1/2 days trying to figure out why the motors did not work....??? Went through the wiring 10 times fold lol, even found some different schematics that stated I had it all wrong? :(
Simple solution in the end, new V3 860T drivers have a 5/24v switch, default 24v  go figure :() would not have caught if I did not load the manual on the pc, pamphlet manual print is so small and the reference to it is 2 lines long...
So got all moving in the right direction and distance today, one step closer
Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2023, 06:45:32 PM »

Simple solution in the end, new V3 860T drivers have a 5/24v switch, default 24v  go figure :()

Been there, done that. I had a battle the first time I set up my Delta servos. The Step and Direction inputs are differential. I wired it up
but misinterpreted the direction of the photodiode in the optocoupler input of the drive. Turns out I had to swap the two wires....thereafter
no trouble. I'm surprised you didn't hear me swearing and shouting, after all I'm only 14000 kms away, and I was really shouting loud!!

I got another servo about a fortnight ago for my fourth axis. It took about an hour to solder up the input plug to the cable to the breakout board,
was able to recycle previous settings to program the drive courtesy of the setup and tuning software, plugged the servo in and it worked perfectly
right from the get go. So you do learn from experience....even if that experience is hard fought.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'
Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2023, 07:52:35 PM »
Added some filtering, no change in the Z-home-tripped message at startup.
Going to swap/run a jumper to the x-home switch tomorrow night and see what I get, possibly could be a bad switch
Tkx again for your input/thoughts/Ideas
Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2023, 06:58:54 PM »
Well swapped the switch for a new one and same issue, Actually decided to look at the history button and all are being tripped

Xbox controller found
Home switch X Home tripped
Home switch Y Home tripped
Home switch Z Home tripped
E-Stop cleared
Home switch X Home tripped
Home switch Y Home tripped
Home switch Z Home tripped

So Has to be something I have missed in the setup?
Tried setting the switches from low to high same ending

All seams to work fine, even under ess diagnostics they show tripped when tripped, may just fly with it :)

Offline Stuart

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Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2023, 03:57:21 AM »
I think you have a error in setup , first how is the switch wired normal open or normal closed.
it should be normal closed if it is you need to change the active state in the ESS pin state for Z limit

but test it manually before relying on it to be safe
Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2023, 06:50:35 AM »
Hi, Yes wired N/C, have tried setting from low to high and no change. switches do work as intended.
thinking there is a conflicting setting in mach4 over riding the ESS
Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2023, 06:05:45 PM »
Well have triple checked everything, gone back through 4 thousand   :)     setup vids and same ending.
Seams all N/C switches show tripped at mach4 boot up?
I'm just going to live with it till I hear back from Warp9 and Artsoft, everything works fine, homes fine, all limits trip fine.

Now off onto my next Issue with understanding how  touch pad's work?  did pickup a sienci pad back when I was reducing my bank account on this upgrade, and was playing with it today with no luck.
Doesn't one of the ends of contact need to be isolated from each other as there is continuity between the work piece and the tool through the mill itself? May just glue some thin plexiglass to the surfaces and add that to the thickness?

Oh and a good brain fart.... went through all my endmill sizes and ordered the appropriate collet's for the TTS tooling I ordered, doesn't help much when you neglect to order the shank size of the tooling but instead  order the cutter size :(

More research, more reading, more video watching,

One day soon !!!! Least it moves when and where I tell it.... light at the end of the tunnel
Re: Z home tripped
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2023, 07:23:41 PM »
I wonder if as the machine is powering up there is a logic error.

As an example of what I mean, the MB02 breakout boards I used to use from Homann Designs in Australia, the outputs 1,14,16 and 17
all go high when the BoB is powered but the ESS is not yet in control and running. If I'd had a coolant pump or something controlled by one of those
outputs the pump would run as soon as the machine was powered.

In the event I made my own breakout board because I was running servos and wanted differential Step/Dir outputs and I want 24V tolerant Enable, Reset
and Alarm signals. I was able to ensure as part of my design that no inputs or outputs clashed while the machine is powering-up but before Mach/ESS was in control.

Maybe your limits are changing state part way through the power-up phase.

'I enjoy sex at 73.....I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.'