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Author Topic: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board  (Read 100102 times)

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Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2008, 02:08:21 AM »

thanks for the suggestions and your appreciation for the document.  my experiance is that wiriting a user manual is much more difficult than coding and debugging.  takes lot of mind energy!

we are going to update the manual with more info on the xml pid settings. and hopefully will also add some basic steps for tunning the axis.

I will post a note as soon as we upload the latest manual on our website.


Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2008, 03:41:05 PM »
I am going to be doing a retrofit of a machine very soon.  I have a galil 2180 that I've had for quite a while, but for support reasons and  since I don't want to rely on ebay for replacements in the future and expect to do another retrofit soon, I am considering the dspmc option... So, I am wondering how far along people are.   Any parts made yet?  What is it looking like?  It looks like the dspmc is going to ge a great option for the future, but I want to be making parts in two-three weeks.  Is that possible with the dspmc?


Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2008, 04:00:04 PM »
I second that.  I was installing a galil system on the spindle wizard I'm retrofitting.  I bought everything new from galil except the control itself which was a used dmc2160 (even though i knew I could buy the same cables from mouser or sager for 1/3 the price).  The control turned out to report as a dmc2120 despite reporting the correct serial number for the dmc2160 and having all the chips on the board.  Instead of suggesting what the possible causes of this could be or asking me to send it in for service the technical support department first had the secretary tell me the whole department was out to lunch, then she told me they wouldn't talk to me because my control was used, then the manager she let me talk to after that was practically giggling while he told me "buy a new 2260 and I'll shower you with support."  Yes that's a real quote.

I'd never use galil anything again.  I've gotten 4 advanced motion & controls 30a8 amplifiers to replace the galil amp19540 that I returned and am looking at the dspmc/ip control to go between them and mach on my laptop.
Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2008, 04:04:24 PM »

we are fixing couple of bugs.  one system is live in Finland right now.  other palces are in the process of retrofit.  Milling feature is 99% operational.  homing code has some bugs.  should be working 100% in few days.  trying to add index pulse in homing as well. 

we had jog and homing implemented thru the plugin, but because of the buffred motion, the customers did not approve the operation.  thats why it is taking more time as we are moving these features into the dspmc board to avoid buffering.

future enhancement include threading, rigid tapping, and probing.

Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2008, 11:53:30 PM »
any updates?
Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2008, 01:24:40 PM »
Homing and Joging operations are tested and confirmed by beta testers.  no more buffered motion.  also, feed hold now stops motion instantaneously.  will be adding index pulse homing as time permits.


Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2008, 03:44:24 PM »
good news,

Thanks, can you guess on when index pulse homing will be added?  Probing too, I think homing to index and being able to probe will help me set up and do batches much faster.
Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2008, 05:14:32 PM »
 I have one question. Is this works whit stepper motors? Because in manuals "  http://www.vitalsystem.com/web/motion/dspmc.pdf " on page 11 it is written that pins on J3 are for stepper motors outputs.

Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2008, 06:26:39 PM »
Hey Rufi,

How's it going?  Are you still working on homing to index and probing?  I'm itching to pull the trigger on one of these but really want it to have those features. 
Re: Welcome to the dspMC/IP board
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2008, 07:17:06 PM »

so far, the existing customers have not flaged that as an issue, so thats why we have not added index pulse homing.  If a customer asks for it, we will add this feature asap, otherwise it is sitting in the things to do list backlog.  not sure when its turn will come.

for probing, pls email me directly some info about its operation and requirements so we can start work on it. I have to learn myself on how the probing works.

thank you