Sorry I am feeling pretty rookie now. I have set up 3 machines from scratch with Mach3. I have been working on another machine for quite some time now. I first set it up with the trial of SIMcnc. No punt intended for mach, but I have been using the CSMIO controllers for some time now with great success so when they released there software I thought I would give it a try. Everything was good but I wasn't happy with the smoothness of some machine movements. I am quite aware that it could possibly be my lack of knowledge with there software as documentation is somewhat limited. I decided to give Mach4 a try. Within just a few hours I had all the axis functioning as they should, so I went ahead and moved on from the trial to the purchase. I am struggling with the most basic commands. For instance I can run my mach3 machines and through MDI: type S1500 M03 and I have a spindle running at 1500 rpms. I can do that in Mach4 and nothing happens. Keep in mind this is an analog output for spindle control. However I can set the rpms on the main screen and tap the spindle on command and it works flawlessly. The voltage is exactly what it should be on the multimeter. It just doesn't work through g-code or a manual spindle command. I am running the latest version of Mach4 and I am sure there is something simple that I am missing. If anyone could direct to a solution I would be grateful!!!!