Please excuses my bad English I'm American and to me English is still a difficult language.
Sounds like you are also losing steps, what type of machine do you have? What are the motors? A person on this forum that goes by the handle of Whacko is very knowledgeable of this and he can give you the run down on what to check as far as your power supply, motors and etc. You could also try going into Mach3 motor tuning and increase the step and direction pulse to 8 and that will give your stepper boards more time.
But I felt that my drivers are too old (1989 to 1990's) and not able to do the microstepping I need along with my motors are Disk type made by Portescap (Swiss made). So in the end I bought faster computer a Compaq Pentium 4 with 2GHZ speed, three new Gecko G203V controller boards and three PacSci NEMA - 665 in/oz. stepper motors with encoders.
Let me know if the step and direction change make an improvement and we can go from there.