i finished my pendant with several functions but one thing don't will work as i like:
i'm using a PLC at modbus, have 2 pots, several keys and some LEDs.
On analog input on the PLC is responsible for the axis-choice with a rotary switch an several resistors.
It works fine on the MPG, but - because i'm short in place at the pendant - i've to use some switches on more than one function.
beside the pendant i have 2 tactile switches for jogging + and -
and i'll like to switch the axix with the rotary switch - which is used by the MPG.
The axis-choice works well, but jogging not
I've tried all alvailable choices and the only where I get jogging on the axis is ButtonPress (Jog X right ...)
But the axis don't stop when i release the button :-(
The brians works well (i've attached other terminations to the brain for testing - works very well)
Is there a possibility to go another way ?
I have tried OEMCodes - nothing
I've tried OEMTrigger and setup in SystemHotkeys - nothing
Btw. what will you give the advantage: several small Brains or only few (1 or 2 - maybe 3) but bigger Brains ?