Chip, every so often I get a Limit Switch Triggered during cutting with the Z carriage in the center of the cutting area (Not near the sides). I look at all the limits and none have been triggered by anything that I can see, sides, hanging wires, extractor tube etc. Anyway, I reset, run from here, cycle start and continue.
This seems to happen at random during jobs. It might not happen for days, then it might happen a few times in as many hours. I think the problem is that my wires are not soldered to the limits, just wrapped around the terminals, and that when the Z carriage moves sometimes the wires pull/push up/down/sideways, and the bare ends rub the terminals on a switch, thus causing the error.
I have tried testing the sensitivity of my limits, and I can trigger them by almost an imperceptible brush with my finger against the touch plate, without actually puching in the button behind the plate until it clicks. I only want them to trigger if the button behind the plate is actually pushing in (It goes in about 1.5mm before clicking) enough to click. Hence I think that I need them to be less sensitive.
I hope that all makes sense..... ?
Hood, I will try editing the Debounce Interval tomorrow. Thanks.