Just some ideas on posting options, as usual, don't know if easy or difficult but here's some thoughts along with reasoning.
1. Be able to pick a pathing stop point along the Z axis ( mentioned before ). This allows you to break up a profile for machining at a low
level. It would be nice if it also had a starting point, but, keeping it simple for now.
2. Scale option. Use of program diameter ruler is rather restrictive. Once the code or pathing is done, have an option for scaling one or both
axes. This would be the equivilant of using the scale function currently available in Mach.
Let me ramble on some.........
Let's assume that a user dosn't have any CAD ( you mention about later on creating a drawing utility ). So as an interim,I am thinking that a supplied cad drawing done to a scale of 1 unit, with a few basic shapes on it, would allow code generation equivilant to the what the current wizards would provide. Then the user could actualy build a rather simplistic machining operation up prior to and outside of LT via cut and pasting of code. This provides a lot of functionality ( non- automatic i may add ) but provides for some of the more complex operations which higher level CAM programs have built in.
Thinking for easy / lazy ways to do some things but not burden down your efforts in developing the program. So in interim it provides for manipulation by the user and responsibilty falls on them.
Just a few thoughts....