Wolf -
I cannot understand your settings - particularly steps per unit.
This is the number of pulses the computer has to give out for one unit of movement.
Normal motors take 200 per rev. The driver board may be putting out 1/8 steps - so that is 1,600. I don't know what your connection to the leadscrew is but mine is a 3:1 reduction - so that is 4,800 and lastly my leadscrew has to turn 10 times to move the carriage 1 inch. - i.e. the computer has to give out 48,000 pulses per inch of movement - not 200 or even 500.
Even thogh you are messing about on the workbench, set the motor up as though it was in the machine. The reason I would think, that your motors are not turning is they are going that slow you can't see them.
Your maximum speed on motor tuning is the number of units per minute the motor will move the carriage - I don't know what you have in mind - but try 10 inches per minute, acceleration is not particularly important - set it at 1.
When you are jogging, there are settings for the jogging speed in relation to full speed - set this at 100% - i.e. full speed when jogging.
Easy CNC etc are standard fare for Mach3 and you should not have any troubles - they are literally plug and play. Don't start swapping and changing configurations unless you know what they are.
The only other thing to check is - does your board have an "enable axis" pin - if so make sure this is grounded of whatever to make the axis work. Do not, at this stage, try and connect it to the computer - just ground it with a bit of wire or something.