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Author Topic: Anyone have Softlimits set for the X2?  (Read 19044 times)

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Offline Tyler

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Anyone have Softlimits set for the X2?
« on: March 19, 2008, 09:29:49 PM »
Hello Artsoft,

Since the Seig X2 Mill only has three limit switches, I wanted to configure the outer limits so the table doesn't crash in the other extreme. It just doesn't make sense to me to have partial insurance.

If anyone else has the X2 mini mill and has figured out good numbers to prevent it from destroying itself, it'd be great to know.

Re: Anyone have Softlimits set for the X2?
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2009, 12:14:55 PM »
I have only three micro-switches wired in series that give me a HOME position on my X2.

Absolute distance values will depend on where the HOME switches are mounted so giving you "my" numbers would be dangerous.
The way I set my soft limits was to:
1) HOME the machine and then use the JOG to move to the opposite end of travel and note the DRO values.
2) Go into the limits page and add these values (with a small safety buffer) to the soft limits and jog to the extremes. The drive should ramp the travel speed to zero before hitting a hard stop.
This will give you you working envelope.
Re: Anyone have Softlimits set for the X2?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 02:54:32 AM »
I did things a little different. I have fitted 2 micros at the end of each axis. 6 micros in all and 2 on the A axis. It all works well, even tested in anger when I inadvertantly 'zero'd the system and then started the G code.
I have Mach3, Lazycam Pro , Smooth Stepper, Gecko's 251 and Kelinc drives. I put the system together myself. I use 'home' switches on each axis on the control box and have 'idle' switched on each axis.
When I put the job on the bed, I bring the M3 crosshairs to a 'home position on the drawing, engage the 'idle' and manually align the tool to the drawing and set the 'zero' in M3.  Then, remove the idle signal and the drives are ready to go and are in 'sync' with the Me graphic. If it all goes to porrage, the ultimate liit switches protect it all.. which has happened.  IF, and IF the computer locks up mid job and needs re-boot, go into the Motor Config and check that the 'direction' settings are not back to the default settings.  This has happened and voila...motors go the wrong way realitive to the graphic/expected direction.
My reasoning is that if I have the hard limits set and things are within the limits of the bed/travel, then 'soft limits' are an unnecessary evil/variable I don't need more hassles.
I am a happy man with my system--- now.....

Offline kf2qd

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Re: Anyone have Softlimits set for the X2?
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2011, 03:10:19 PM »
I use softlimits, but they only work after homing the machine. See the Manual Homing routine under a different topic in this section.