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Author Topic: Weird jog behavior, possible noob problem  (Read 5655 times)

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Weird jog behavior, possible noob problem
« on: April 05, 2008, 09:03:34 PM »
Hi all,

I am trying 3.037 (unregistered) in Turn mode.  I have the port and motor control pins and jog keys (left, right for Z axis and down, up for X axis) set up for the X and Z axes.

I have jog mode enabled.  Continuous jog mode does not work at all--"bare" arrow keys or "shift" arrow keys.

Incremental jog works on both axes, giving the right distance per jog.  But it travels at the current feed speed rather than the axis max speed.  And when in incremental mode, when I hold down the shift key, the axes continuous jog at the axis max speed.  But when I release the shift key, the axis incremental jogs at the current feed speed again.

I'm baffled!  Until I discovered that incremental jog worked, I was pulling my hair out thinking my parallel port card or cable was bad since nothing I did would jog the axes.

On my Tormach I am used to the situation where "bare" jog keys jog at slow jog rate, "shift" keys jog at full jog rate, and "ctrl" keys jog at the current increment.  I leave it in continuous jog mode to do this.

Have I configured something wrong on the new install?


« Last Edit: April 05, 2008, 09:05:31 PM by zephyr9900 »
Re: Weird jog behavior, possible noob problem
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2008, 10:34:40 PM »
"Downreved" to 2.63 and behavior is the same.  Axes will home in both incremental and continuous jog modes.

Hardware is a Xylotex board driving Vexta 200-step motors at 1/8 step if anyone is curious.

PC is Dell GX-270 running XP Pro SP2 with Dell USB keyboard and USB optical mouse.  Netmos PCI parallel port card with motherboard parallel port disable in BIOS.

Best regards,

« Last Edit: April 05, 2008, 10:41:29 PM by zephyr9900 »