Speed and Acceleration of axis are usually different for everybody. because the physical weights and resistamces of your machine are different, as also is the power exerted by the stepper motors.
If you have a table 3 feet long - say 40 inches - then you might be satisfied witha speed of 80 ins per minute from your axis - if the table was very large, you might be looking at something a lot faster..
In motor tuning you can set the speed of the axis for G0 movements (rapids) so decide what you would like your speed to be and set the speed at that. Keep the acceleration low say at 1 for now. Test the axis by jogging. Either the table will travel at that speed or not. If not the motor will stall and give off a loud whine as the pulses keep going through it, but the motor is stuck (it does not damage them). If all is well try increasing the speed by 10% and try again, until you get the whine, then back off by 10% and set that as the maximum speed. Be particularly careful in checking that this speed can be used all over the table, not just the central area where things are worn in and move more freely.
Now set the acceleration (and braking). From your 1, increase this until you get the dreaded whine, which means the motors do not have the power to accelerate the table at the rate you want it. Back off to get a reliable setting.
It is mostly trial and error - before you start make sure everything is clean and oiled up for best performance, then get to it.