Dear Support,
I write this for the following problem on Mach 3 - Release 2.63 on Win XP.
We use our CNC for milling lots of equal pieces.
We fix the start panel on work table and go with the program on Mach 3 for the entire day ( we start the program every 30-32 minutes )
The software and the CNC work very well, with good precision and a good speed.
But after some pieces ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 .... ) the program has a strange behavior :
the path is wrong of a lot of millimeters ( sometimes 100, sometimes 30, sometimes 10 ) , the tool breakes and I must restart the machine.
But the path is not wrong when the program starts ... is wrong after 2000/3000 step of program !!!!
Some days, with the same program, the CNC work well for the entire day !!!!!!
I have checked the position of Mach 3 axes and it tell me that the position is OK but the axis is wrong of a lot of millimeters !!!
Is like sometimes Mach 3 think to have made 100 mm of travel but are made only 80 mm.
If I restart the program the machine work good.
How is possible ?