I would agree with Chip - every axis can be individually set, but a 1 inch pitch is very high.
1. You will need a very big motor (out of proportion with the others) to drive the axis.
2. Stepper motors normally have 200 steps per rev, the drives contribute 10 microsteps so if you fastened this up directly, you only have 2000 steps per inch, so your accuracy can only be 1/2 a thou - and even that cannot be guaranteed, becasue you shouod not rely on microsteps for accuracy.
3. My steppers are 60,000 per inch, and I can get 40 ins per minute so I cannot see that speed is going to be a factor, so I would seriously think of gearing that axis down, so you can use a smaller motor, and gain accuracy.
I appreciate that you may be using servo motors - but the arguments are the same.