When I test if my machine will really stop at exactly 0.00 or my max, it kinda works. For example I move the x axis to the right (starting for 0.00), it moves, as well as the DRO on MAch3, then when I move it to the left, (back to the original position which is 0.00), it doesn't move. It just stays on that position, while the DRO moves to 0.00. SO yeah the limits work and stuff. But it doesn't apply to the machine.
When I try and do it again, the 0.00 position is not on the old place anymore since I moved it to the right and it didnt go back, SO it just keeps moving to the right and not moving when i move it to the left, but Mach3 is thinking that it moved to 0.00 when in reality it didnt. So the motor just kept moving right without going back.
This is happening to all the axes.
Oh and it says on the bottom
"Soft Limits System Movement Aborted"
Any ideas?