Your right..and your wrong.
During a period of rotation, there may be as many as say 5000 interrupt periods.. Mach3 is measuring how many interrupt periods occur, or used to. It now measures how many megaclocks occur, at a base rate of about 2Ghz say..
So for each rotation we measue the megaclocks..this is before we actually cut. Now lets say we get 24,000,000 as a steady rate prior to cut. We simply divide to show the rpm..
Now we start the movement, since we're in mm/rev mode, we know the mm's of motion were calculated based on 24,000,000 clock cycles per rotation. If the ortation is sensed to be now 2700,000 clocks per rotation, we know the spindle has slowed by 12.5% .. so we now slow the output during the next rotation by 12.5%, and keep track of this rotation.
SO your right that the correction is always 1 rotation behind in terms of correction, but it can be shown statistically that if one rotation is off, the next rotation will be off the same amount +- a certain %, it may for example keep slowing down.. in which case each rotations motion in the Z axis is further slowed. As a rolling % of correction we begin to approiach the center of the bell curve of probablities of where the spindle is likely at.
Its a fairly good method of correction, and works well as long as the megaclock is stable ( is always is unlike the number of interrupts per rotation which varied much more ) and the sensor is stable..mine isnt and Ive seen many that werent. At any rate, its pretty good to about 10-15% variance on most systems but other influences can throw off the statistics and make the thread wander higher and higher over time. This is why the wandering thread pitch as you go further out. Mach3 cannot speed up from original speed, but can easily slow and speed back up to normal speed. Testign shows this works but we're simply trying to make it better.
The system knows that after so many rotations, we shoudl be in such and such a position and simply tries to get there bassed on the number of ratoations seen, current position, and speed.
There will always be a limitation based on the fact we arent real-time though.