Hi To All
This is my first post so please excuse me if its in the wrong area.
If have built a 6' x 10, 3 axis router based on the design by Tom (cadcut). The trouble I'm running into is I have run twin steppers on both X and Y axis, The Xaxis is rack and pinion style drive both motors are connected to a drive shaft via bully and belts, the Y axis is a ballscrew and again both motors are connected to either side of the ballsrew by pulley and belts again, Both X and Y axis are configured in mach3 as Master and Slave All Fine! When the machine works it tends to get a lot of motor lockup and tuning and speed is way down to what it should be. If I disconnect one of the belts from either motor and run that axis I can achieve 5x the speed without loosing steps, I have come to the conclusion that somewere the motors are fighting each other or they just are not getting the same signal.
Has anyone outhere got any suggestions?
Specs on the Machine.
Steppers Nema 34 900oz/in
Gecko 201 drives (one per motor)
Power 48v 20 amp
On both X and Y axis one motor CW the other CCW