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Author Topic: status of NCPod  (Read 81292 times)

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status of NCPod
« on: October 07, 2008, 10:10:24 AM »
I've been trying to follow the thread on the NCPod Controller & have not seen alot of traffic of late.
What is it's status - still in beta or is it in production
Is there a significant benifit of this controller say versus Xylotex for example

Offline Chaoticone

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Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2008, 10:19:28 AM »
Henry, If you haven't got a NCpod yet, you may want to consider the Smooth Stepper.

;D If you could see the things I have in my head, you would be laughing too. ;D

My guard dog is not what you need to worry about!
Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2008, 10:33:27 AM »

Offline Hood

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Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2008, 11:10:25 AM »
Probably for the reason the OP has said, the pod seems to have slowed down if not stopped.
 Now I have never had Pod so dont know how good or bad it is, how complete or incomplete it is. So take that at face value and disregard if you know or think differently.
  I do however have a SmoothStepper (4 in fact) and although there are still things to be done (backlash is one I know of )  it is  pretty well complete as it is now and I have every faith that it will not die a death like so many of the others have in the past, not saying the Pod is one of them but certainly is starting to look like it may be.
  I have been using a SmoothStepper  for over 8 months on the mill with any issues being sorted as time goes on and its been complete enough for me on the mill for a long time now. The lathe has had one fitted for maybe 2 months and for my lathe it is now complete to use day in day out.

Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2008, 11:41:48 AM »
Why do you and Chaoticone ( apparently an administrator) plug the Smooth stepper rather than answer the OP's question.  Why don't you post in the smooth stepper topic area instead of the ncPOD?  Is the use and development of the ncPOD unwelcome here?

Offline Chaoticone

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Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2008, 12:01:54 PM »
Well Fred, I don't know how mow much more we can do. Neither of us have an NCpod so we can't really say a whole lot about it.  NCpod use and development is more than welcome here, but we are not getting a lot of help supporting it. Maybe you could help with support questions pertaining to the pod?

We talk about SmoothStepper a lot for a number of reasons: 1). We both have one; 2). The developer of the SmoothStepper is an active member of the community and he answers questions about it; 3). SmoothStepper development is still ongoing in Mach whereas NCPod development has stopped for a long time now; 4). It's a good solution for people asking about the NCPod only because they've heard it works over USB and may not know the SmoothStepper exists...

;D If you could see the things I have in my head, you would be laughing too. ;D

My guard dog is not what you need to worry about!

Offline Hood

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Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2008, 01:28:39 PM »
I didn't answer the OPs question as I don't know, I never posted to answer his question but rather I posted to answer yours :)
 As has been said I know nothing about the pod but there has definitely been a lack of support for it on this forum, whether there is support elswhere I don't know.
 The reason I plug the SS is because it works,  in fact works very well and the development of it is continuing.
 I don't think Brett was saying to junk the pod but rather if you don't have one already it may be an idea to consider getting the SS.
 By your reply I am presuming you have a pod? If so please let me know the status of it, how well it works (good as well as bad), what if any  issues it has  at this point in time and whether there is some other place for people to post if they have one and are needing help.

Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2008, 04:58:03 PM »
The 6-axis ncPOD has been done and integrated with Mach3 since 2007.  I believe my last communication with Art was when he was working on the probing interface in October or November of 2007.  The only support needed is basic electrical/electronics and Mach3 setup, it just works after that.  Hardware issues should be communicated directly with the manufacturer in English, via e-mail.

As far as I know it can still be purchased for $100 from oemtech.com .  They consider it still in beta because there are other active software developments besides the mach3 interface.

Fred Smith - IMService
http://www.imsrv.com or http://www.cadcamcadcam.com

Offline Hood

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Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2008, 05:07:39 PM »
Thanks for the info Fred,  seems you know quite a bit about the pod so maybe if you have time you would be willing to look in here every so often and help out anyone that has set up issues?
  I dont know anything about the pod so I am no use, Brett is in a similar dilemma and looks like Kookaburra hasnt been on the forum since February so no help from him either.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 05:09:29 PM by Hood »

Offline Greolt

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Re: status of NCPod
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2008, 08:11:47 PM »
I am certainly interested if you have any info on the NCpods development or death.

The official NCpod website has not been updated since 21 Nov. 07.  That is by my calculation nearly a year.

The moderator, of what for a short time was fairly active forum here at Artsoft, has long since gone missing.

I have an NCpod that these days sits on a shelf.  Replaced by a SmoothStepper.

NCpod worked fine for motion control.  Inputs and outputs worked OK for my needs.

However Probe input did not work.   G31 moves were unpredictable and dangerous.

You never knew which direction the axis would move.  Occasionally the wrong axis would move.  :o

So if anyone knows where info can readily be obtained on the NCpod, particularly pertaining to use with Mach3,  I for one would be interested.
