Hello Guys!
Just finished building a new machine with a rack and pinion, with an A-axis slaved to the X-axis. Right now I am in the process of configuring Mach. The default screen set is different than the Mach 2 I was familiar with but so far everything seems to work with the exception of the anti-backlash.
When Anti-Backlash is enabled I can get the gantry to move properly in one direction. The motors sound good with no vibration/resonance, missing, etc. If I switch directions to move in the opposite the motors seem to run at half-power, grumble and growl, miss steps and then to add the icing on the cake after a bit of travel one the motors will reverse direction and cause the gantry to rack. I believe it is definitely related to the anti-backlash because of it gets disabled the motors will jog back and forth all day long without any issues. Making things a little crazier is that I can reactivate the anti-backlash after disabling and jogging all while in the same session and it seems to function properly.
Knowing that they do not always get along I have CV disabled. I have tried anti-backlash speeds of 20, 100, and 200 percent. What am I missing?
To further add to my mystery I have found that if I try and jog more than 1 axis at a time (as in X and Y) the Y-axis will only move at half speed moving in the opposite direction and when it does do this the X motors (X and A) go out of sync and cause the gantry to rack. Again, doing nothing else but turning off the anti-backlash causes everything to operate smoothly. I have searched the forum and have not found any solution. Anybody have any ideas about why the anti-backlash makes the machine act crazy?